Why these BVS residents are supporting Measure W



Leslie Duplan


Greg Chick



Jane Tanaka



Annette Scherr



Barbara Langston



Jeanette Roye

Measure W facts to consider

As an unincorporated community, Bear Valley Springs (BVS) is self reliant for its operating revenue. BVS has only one automatic tax income stream; a small percentage of property tax collected. Property taxes consists of 1% of the assessed value of properties and Community Services District (CSD) receives roughly 20% of that 1%. The CSD General Fund’s primary source of revenue is the share of property taxes. All other operating revenue comes from local special taxes and assessments.

The PD parcel tax of $80 has remained unchanged for 26 years and covers approximately 15% of PD operating costs, creating a deficit for BVS’s essential public safety service and requires diverting revenue from the General Fund. If approved, the measure will fully fund BVS PD and free up approximately $1.9 million a year of General Funds needed for infrastructure repairs and maintenance.

Passage of this measure will put BVCSD in a stronger long-term financially sustainable position allowing general funds to be directed to infrastructure repair and maintenance NOW rather than years into the future.

Because many of the BVS police officers live in BVS, working day after day getting to know residents and the area, they are able to provide policing services specific to our community.

Each year the CSD board will vote on the tax rate up to $500 per parcel, per year (can be a lesser amount at the board’s discretion), and with an annual inflationary adjustment not to exceed 2% per year. The tax ordinance includes mandated oversight and an annual independent audit. All police tax revenue collected is allocated to police personnel and operational expenses and cannot be used for any other purpose.

The tax ordinance includes mandated oversight and an annual independent audit. All police tax revenue collected will be assigned to a dedicated account for police personnel and operational expenses and cannot be used for any other purpose.

A YES vote on measure W means paying less than $1.40 per day to have local control of an essential public safety service with BVS PD providing greater security, crime deterrence, responsiveness and protection of our property values.

What others are saying:

“My name is Robert Garrett. My wife Maria and I moved to BVS in February this year. I retired September 24, 2022 from the Los Angeles County sheriff’s department. We moved from Palmdale to BVS because of the gate and the PD. Also the amenities. Kern County Sheriff will not enter a contract with BVS. Calls for service from Kern sheriff will be over an hour or more. The sheriff only has three deputies to cover Boron, Rosamond and Mojave. The next would fall on the state CHP if Sheriff cannot handle. The reality is taxes suck. I don’t want to pay more taxes but the alternative is turning BVS into the same as the area I moved from. I also am now retired and on a fixed income but as they say, you get what you pay for.”

Robert Garrett, Retired LA County Sheriff

“I am voting Yes on Measure W.I’m on a retirement income and, like anyone else, I don’t look forward to paying more taxes. But we need to be fiscally responsible for the services we rely on in our community. Our small but excellent police service covers about 24,000 acres. The officers are caring, committed professionals. I’m honoring their service by voting for Measure W.”  - Peter DeArmond

“My Husband and I built our home here 30 years ago. Having been the victim of an armed robbery while living in Bakersfield, I know how slow the response time of other agencies can be. When Kern County is short 100's of officers, what kind of response time will that put us in? Instead of talking about getting rid of our police department we should be increasing it!” - Jan Hendricks

“I am voting Yes on Measure W to help to maintain our quality of life in BVS.”   - Wendy Johnson

“The cost of not having the police would be a much higher price in the long run!”  - Ken Imhoof

“Shout out to the Bear Valley Police and Fire Departments. I thought I smelled a gas leak in my kitchen this morning. 911 advised me to evacuate. Both departments were at my home within 5 minutes! What an incredible response time. Bravo! Can you imagine what could have happened, if we here in Bear Valley didn't have our own emergency services? Blessings and gratitude to our very own selfless, professional, awesome responders. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.” - Geri Nason



Herb Martindale

This informational page is part of an all-volunteer effort of concerned residents who support Measure W. 

It is not affiliated with any organization, committee or individual candidate for the Bear Valley CSD Board.